Blog Posts

Karagwe 2024: Final Blog

January 27, 2024

January 27, 2024 I’m writing this bit from Entebbe International Airport in Uganda. Muhammad Zziwa collected me from the Mutukula border after Neema, Accurate, Meribu and Peter got me there from Karagwe. All was peachy with visas and customs and it was a good day. We left Karagwe at 9:30AM and arrived at Entebbe at…

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Karagwe 2024: Summit Close

January 27, 2024

January 26, 2024 Today was the final day of the ETI/KAD Summit. Internet was very spotty so this update is later than the others were. Morning: KARUCO Management led by Principal Ngambeki sailed through many issues with a close eye on the clock. How we managed to cover so much ground in 2 hours is…

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Karagwe 2024: Everyday Things

January 25, 2024

January 25, 2024 This week is intense. You probably can feel it from the reports I’ve shared. We had another set of ETI/KAD Summit meetings this morning and suffice it to say, we hammered out details among the main parties signing contracts for the work at the food processing plant (KAD, BE Design, ELPELA Engineering…

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Karagwe 2024: ETI/KAD SUMMIT

January 24, 2024

January 24, 2024 It was a great day. The top accomplishment was KAD and BE Design discussing technical issues and agreeing on almost everything. Much was moved forward. It started with breakfast with Bishop, a ride to KARUCO with Edson and coffee at KARUCO to get started. The Tanzanian culture in my view is a…

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Karagwe 2024: BE Design Arrives

January 23, 2024

January 23, 2024 Last blog of the day (unless anything more happens). BE Design: Bruce Engel and his staff arrived tonight from Rwanda. We enjoyed dinner together on the balcony of Bishop’s home. We got to know a little bit from Bruce’s staff members – Yves and Emmanuel who evidently had some interesting and comedic…

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Karagwe 2024: Mel Breed Day Service

January 23, 2024

January 23, 2024 From Karagwe Diocese Media We thank our Heavenly Father for the life he granted you and the chance we lived together. Your humbleness and the heart of helping others will always be remembered. Sleep well our dear Mel. You will always live in our heart. Till we meet again 🙏 The service…

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Karagwe 2024: Mel Breed Day

January 22, 2024

January 23, 2024. Everyone loved Mel Breed. He was a kind and gentle man whose first reflex was always compassion. He was a social worker and a savvy businessman. He combined those two things and built an entrepreneurial business that provided wrap around services for special needs people who had fallen through the cracks. His…

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Karagwe 2024: Dawn of a New Day

January 22, 2024

Best sleep I’ve ever had in Karagwe. The familiar rooster call woke me around 6:45 and made me aware of the beautiful scene outside my room. 11:55PM – 2nd half of this blog post. To say this was a big day would be an understatement. Please forgive the format of this post which will be…

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Karagwe 2024: Say “Hello” to Karagwe!

January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024. This is the second blog post today. I signed off this morning at the 2 Friends Hotel heading out with our trusty driver, Mr. Zuwa who arrived at 9:00AM and did an excellent job getting me to Mutukula, having arrived about 3:00PM. We arrived in Karagwe about 5:00, headed to Bishop’s new…

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Karagwe 2024: Not a Small Thing

January 20, 2024

January 21, 2024. Reuniting with friends after four years is no small thing. Meet Patrick and Irene from the 2 Friends Hotel in Entebbe who have hosted the ETI teams for the past 7 years. It was exciting to see them again. In some ways, it was a downright relief. As you can probably tell…

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