Be part of the story
Supporting the Educate Tanzania mission to empower the people of the Karagwe District and to bring the area out of poverty is a fulfilling endeavor. And as easy as a donation. Your contributions go a very long way! We appreciate donations of money in most currencies, and are excited to connect with professionals and experts who donate their time to take us to the next level. Take a moment, contact ETI and help us out today!

Invest Professionally
Professional volunteers are selected based upon their character, compassion and professional capabilities to deliver expertise in areas that assist ETI in reaching its stated goals. Volunteer opportunities begin with real-life requests from our Tanzanian partners who require a specific set of skills that resides within a professionally trained expert. In no cases are ETI opportunities meant to be short-term volunteer experiences for the sake of travel.
If you think you have a skill that the project needs, please contact us so that we can cross compare the needs of our global partners with the skills and abilities of people willing to help. Of course, you can always click donate and be part of the story.

Donate Money
With the average income in the Karagwe District at less than $1.25/day, your gift goes a very long way. Because we are largely a professional volunteer organization, most of your donation goes directly to benefit programs in Tanzania. ETI works very closely with partners to assure transparency and fiscal responsibility with our reporting and evaluation systems.
With cash donations and donated in-kind services, ETI has built a professional website, funded a campus site plan, renderings, construction documents, built campus structures and conducted site visits, inspections and evaluations. ETI initiated the hands-on agriculture curriculum, funded the design and construction of the water harvesting system among other projects. Along with our global partners, we are now building Opportunity Centers so that graduates from KARUCO will have a place for their businesses to thrive and for them to learn even more about sustainable improvements in agriculture.
Because we are largely a volunteer organization, most of ETI's donated funds go directly to benefit programs in Tanzania.
Donate Resources
Money can provide all kinds of resources. Because ETI is committed to buying local materials and supporting local merchants in Tanzania, we do not normally collect items to 'send' to Karagwe. However, ETI sometimes provides other resources that are requested by our KAD Partners: unique resources such as frequent flyer miles, Merck Manuals, drones, eyeglasses and services such as advanced IT, engineering and architecture for example.
Do you have an idea for resources you could donate? If you think the resource you have access to has value for us, send us a proposal. We'd love to hear from you.