ETI partners with developing communities in Tanzania to promote and sustain social and economic prosperity through education.
ETI and Tanzanian Partner, KAD, joined hands to establish Karagwe College of Agriculture which opened in 2018 on 1000 acres. Since 2020's first graduation, KARUCO now has 216 entrepreneurial alumni specializing in modern business and services in agriculture.
ETI, KAD and partners expand upon success by building Project FURSA ("Opportunity in Swahili). BE Design Architects, NY, ELPELA Engineering, TZ and Elgoodness Civil, TZ work with our partners in Karagwe to transform this area. Through FURSA, KARUCO grads and area farmers will start or grow businesses and gain access to viable markets. To support such efforts, ETI has initiated the Micro-Enterprise Loan (MEL) Program that has jumpstarted nine new entrepreneurial agricultural businesses in Karagwe. EVS Engineering (Minnesota), ETI, KAD and RESCO Solar (Tanzania) designed and installed the KARUCO Solar and Storage system which provides consistent power to the college.
Each initiative stems from the intentions and priorities of the people of Karagwe. Milestones are achieved due to the competency, faith and selfless dedication of our partners in Tanzania - the Karagwe Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania led by the visionary Dr. Benson Bagonza, Bishop and his dedicated team. Success is everywhere.
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1. Our Current Work: JUICE for THE FUTURE!
Currently, Karagwe’s farmers grow some of the most delicious pineapple in the world but earn less than $1.25 per day. They toil with hand-hoes, walk or bike their harvest to local markets, and as local markets burst with the same crop, yields often rot or farmers sell to 'middle-persons' who exploit them. Drawings by BE Design, NY.
ETI and partners are changing this.
Karagwe's farmers want help getting food processing to bring economic vitality to their region. ETI and partners, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Karagwe Diocese (KAD) and BE Design Architects (NY), cleared the site, have plans, permits and a sound business plan. Construction has begun and Phase I is now complete.
Click on the image to view: "Help Build Rural Opportunity Centers Now" (6 min).
Local solutions: Global support.
ETI is now seeking funds for Phase II.
2. Our Current Work: KARUCO SOLAR & STORAGE
Your donations along with funding from EVS CARES have enabled ETI, KAD, EVS Engineering (MN) and RESCO Solar (TZ( to design and install the KARUCO Solar and Storage System (25KW). The 64 panel utility scale system is powering up KARUCO's buildings, water pumps and entrepreneurial campus initiatives. You then helped support expansion with KARUCO Solar Street Lights and CCTV that provide safety and security to the campus. KARUCO's geographical location is near the equator and the abundance of sunshine makes it a great candidate for solar energy. Help ETI continue to expand upon KARUCO Solar. Water and power should not be luxuries.
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Click the image below to see KARUCO street lights. And there was light!
3. Our Current Work: The MEL Program Micro-Enterprise Loans
ETI donor support goes to the KARUCO graduates who start up entrepreneurial ag businesses in Karagwe. Five new businesses were jump-started in early 2023: Agrovet, Grain Supply, Sunflower Processing, Beef Fattening and Pig Production. Four more were started in Summer, 2023: Rice Supply, Brickmaking, IT and Electrical Supports and Pineapple Production. All start ups have begun loan repayment. Loans are paid back in 1.5 years to be 'recycled' and used to start up another new business. Help ETI support entrepreneurialism and economic growth in Karagwe as we continue to expand upon the program's successes. The MEL Program is named after the late Mel Breed, ETI Board Emeritus and friend to Karagwe.
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