Blog Posts


May 11, 2024

ETI catalyzed several projects in 2023 and is grateful for partners and donors who make things happen.

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May 11, 2024

Process Raw Materials in Africa, Urges Top Environmentalist Few economic and social benefits will come to Africans if processing is all done overseas, says Wanjira Mathai Fiona Harvey Environment Editor Thu 25 Apr 2024 Africa must take greater control in the industries it supplies with raw materials to lift its people from poverty and seize its…

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Educate Tanzania Logo

ETI Milestones at a Glance

April 26, 2024

Educate Tanzania, Inc. has helped transform lives in Karagwe. Take a look at the track record. Be part of the story.

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Throwback: Overnight Website Challenge 2011

March 31, 2024

THROWBACK – 13 YEARS. Reaction to ETI’s first “tweet”. It’s March of 2011 and the Nerdery’s Overnight Website Challenge produced ETI’s website complete with About Us, What We Do, How to Help and a Donation Page. In just 24 hours. Our stomachs were growling, our eyelids drooping and turbo caffeine was consumed in frequent intervals. But we…

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MARCH 2024 NEWSLETTER-The Latest from ETI

March 15, 2024

Did you hear ETI shouting from the rooftops? The long-awaited Groundbreaking and Blessing of the Rural Opportunity Center (ROC) Food Processing Plant took place on March 8, 2024. The story unfolds thanks to the transformational leadership of the Karagwe Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, her partners and colleagues. Hongera! DEDICATION & BLESSING OF THE RURAL…

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March 15, 2024

Here it is. The proposed MEL House. The MEL House is an extension of the existing MEL Program at KARUCO (Karagwe College of Agriculture in Tanzania) and is intended as housing and a hub for those who are starting new businesses through the Micro-Enterprise Loan (MEL) Program (described below). KARUCO Administrators, Dr. Emmanuel Ngambeki and…

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March 14, 2024

AND THERE WAS LIGHT  Can you imagine no light? Those at KARUCO can. Since the campus Groundbreaking in 2012, there has been no light except by candle, fire and flashlight or torch. But now, the KARUCO Campus has light thanks to ETI donors and to EVS CARES.   If you haven’t done so already, click on…

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March 14, 2024

Did you hear ETI shouting from the rooftops? The long-awaited Groundbreaking and Blessing of the Rural Opportunity Center (ROC) Food Processing Plant took place on March 8, 2024. The story unfolds thanks to the transformational leadership of the Karagwe Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, her partners and colleagues. Hongera! DEDICATION & BLESSING OF THE RURAL…

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The Latest from ETI – Feb 2024

February 22, 2024

Building on a strong “yesterday”, ETI gives this energizing newsletter reporting on the present with the promise of a transformed “tomorrow” in Karagwe. Read on to meet our inspiring partners in Tanzania and see what our ETI / KAD partnership is unfolding. Click here if you’d like to receive our monthly newsletter. ETI never shares…

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