Blog Posts

Building Site

March 27, 2011

Here is a panoramic view of the building site of Karagwe University (KARUCO) Youtube Video

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March 27, 2011

Jan and Steve Hansen embraced roles as “Ambassadors of Karagwe University” as they conducted a community needs assessment for Karagwe University — wind, solar, water, health, and education.  They agreed to help locate resources for the project.

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March 27, 2011

Educate Tanzania is possible because of donated time, talent and funds. Our list of partners and associates is growing. Email us at [email protected] if you want to help.

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March 27, 2011

We have received wonderful responses to this newsletter and look forward to connecting with you once each month regarding progress of KARUCO. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns about anything, or do not want to receive this newsletter.  

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March 27, 2011

June 3, 2011 will be our large fundraising event at Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska, Minnesota. From humble beginnings to NASA shuttle pilot, our speaker, Duane (Digger) Carey is encouraging! Email us if you would like to attend (cost is $150 USD per person / $1500 per table of ten).

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Non-Profit Company Set Up

March 27, 2011

Educate Tanzania Inc (ETI) relies on donated time, talent and funds. For the past three months, partner, Thomas M. Johnston, Attorney at Law has helped ETI develop its articles of incorporation, and get through the complex maze of U.S. government regulations so we can be set up as a legal nonprofit organization. Our attorney, Mr.…

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Building KARUCO

March 27, 2011

Mr. Gregg Rutter will travel with his younger daughter to Karagwe in March to develop the concept drawings for KARUCO. Also, Gregg invited Hansens to present on the KARUCO project in Orono, MN where he teaches. Steve and Jan fly to Colorado on January 26 to present to Bernard Amadei’s class on the KARUCO project.…

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Day 5 – Strategic Planning – 2008

January 7, 2008

Our St. Thomas team waited for the strategic meeting with the bishop that was to begin at 9:00. We got rolling about noon but were delayed again when the bishop escorted Kaye to the bank to exchange money. The bishop introduced the General Secretary, Erasto Kamihanda, as the new contact for our team. It was this first…

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DAY 4 – A 5-Hour Church Service

January 6, 2008

I love this place. During the night there was growling and barking right outside my door! Surprised me. I kind of wanted it to be a lion. Breakfast at 7:00am and ready for George, our driver, to pick us up for church.  Picked up at 8:00am and got into the truck which already had four…

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DAY 3 – Tanzania Here We Come

January 5, 2008

I can hardly wait to get to Tanzania. The smells are so earthy. Dirt, compost, animals, vegetation. The sights are so contradictory. Women dressed so impeccably – a cow roaming the street. Rise and shine at 6:30am. Dressed, packed and ready to meet our driver. We arrived at the diocese at 7:30 and had breakfast.…

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