Our Approach to Alleviate Poverty

1. LISTEN. The people of Karagwe are empowered and know what they need to be free from poverty. Listening to them sounds basic but is critical as the first step for success. Well-intentioned people parachuting in with ‘solutions’ does not work because solutions are ‘owned by outsiders’, miss key components and are generally not sustainable. Africa is replete with withered outsider projects that fall in these categories. ETI listens. First. Then, and only then, can sustainable, inter-generational progress be made.
It is not about us. It is about the people of Karagwe. ETI submits to upright, savvy partners in Karagwe who keep the focus where it belongs: Empowering their own communities to get themselves out of poverty. We are honored that KAD has invited ETI to help achieve this. ETI donors are those who join us in bringing about lasting change.
The people of Karagwe live on less than $1.25 per day. They give all they can to community projects but cannot build infrastructure, facilities or programs without a boost. ETI responds to KAD’s requests for resources and expertise that cannot be provided in Karagwe alone. This is where you come in. ETI Donors have been loyal and generous, involved in the milestones and committed to the mission.
KAD submits proposed goals, timeframe and budget for all funding requests. Each step is outlined and documented. All KAD proposals must have unanimous ETI Board support. ETI verifies with inspections that the milestones meet the intended goals and standards or we make adjustments until they do. Our track record and impact are obvious. It is a win/win. 

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