ETI has a $10,000. MATCH to help complete the 2021 End-of-Year Funding Goal of $50,000. ETI funds will help us begin construction of the Food Processing Plant in early 2022. We have the site, the renderings, an operations outline, and are eager to begin the build. COVID-19 threw more than one wrench in our plans but we never lost sight of the vision and goal.
The Food Processing Plant will be a viable part of the Rural Opportunity Center (ROC) and will help KARUCO graduates and area farmers:
- have a reliable hub to bring their abundant crops;
- increase incomes through the sale of value-added products from the food processing plant;
- reduce crop waste through efficient transport, food preservation and processing;
- improve community health through access to healthy foods from the plant;
- access fair markets and trade practices through guidelines that protect women and marginalized members of Karagwe’s communities.